
Here are some other webcomics I recommend!

A banner for the webcomic, KEEPING TIME. Beneath the comic's logo is a full-color illustration of two characters playing electric guitars against a backdrop of out-of-focus stage lights. The character on the left has short, blond hair, his wood-grain Ibanez tilting towards the viewer. The character on the right has dark hair and leans into a microphone as he sings, away from the viewer, his back and the back of his Fender guitar visible.

Keeping Time (18+)

In the mid-2000s, Daniel returns to his hometown for the first time since his twin sister, Alex, died. Resigned to living his life in the colorless grief he’s accustomed to, he is unprepared for his estranged friend and former bandmate, Denver, to burst back into his life. Denver convinces Daniel to rejoin the band, and the act of creating music together brings them closer than they’ve ever been. Just as their band seems headed for brighter future, Denver and Daniel realize falling in love in the scar that Alex left behind might prove to be their undoing.

Webcomic Banner: Unsounded


Daughter of the Lord of Thieves, Sette Frummagem is on a mission, and she’ll lie, cheat, and steal to make sure it’s a success (she’ll lie, cheat, and steal anyway). Condemned to aid her in her rotten endeavours is a rotten corpse who seems oddly talented with the supernatural, and oddly not laying motionless in the dirt.

The road is long and no one is what they seem. Never trust a thief, and never trust anyone who won’t let you look into their eyes.

Webcomic Banner: Full-Spectrum Therapy

Full-Spectrum Therapy

A post-invasion teen attempts to hide his connection to the aliens through booze and makeup, jeopardizing the safety of those he hopes to protect — including his troubled childhood boyfriend.

Webcomic Banner: Exorcism Academy. 18+. Exorcists, demons, and... romance? Life gets complicated at the academy!

Exorcism Academy (18+)

Training to become an exorcist is a difficult enough, but when your new belligerent demon partner seems more interested in wrecking the bed with you than performing exorcisms, suddenly life as you know it gets a whole lot more complicated. Throw in a powerful demon hellbent on revenge, an endless parade of monsters from the underworld, and a whole lot of baggage from his past, and you’ve got all the ingredients for the storm of the century, headed directly for the Exorcism Academy.

This webcomic is for an 18+ adult audience only and features explicit sexual content, violence, and other mature themes.

A banner for the webcomic White Noise, with the logo in one corner. It depicts something or someone falling from the sky, with the ghost of some creature with gaping jaws overlaid on it. A small group of five people stand beneath with their arms raised as if to catch the falling creature; most of them are human in appearance, though one of them is all black and has the head of a goat, and another has long black hair which is dissolving into the darkness.

White Noise

When Hawk’s half-sister Liya is whisked away by otherworldly soldiers, Hawk is determined to find her, even if it means crossing a country that wants creatures like himself snuffed out. What kind of creature he is, for that matter, is unclear…

…meanwhile, unaware that her brother is still alive, Liya finds herself alone on a strange world and in a strange land. But as the shock begins to wear off, she discovers that she’s not nearly as alone as she thought, and much of what she thought she knew—about herself, her brother, and her world—is upended.

Webcomic Banner: Ultraviolents

Ultraviolents (18+)

Sergio Black has a lot to be proud of- he’s intelligent, skilled with machinery, and he’s huge. He’s also been fighting violent intrusive thoughts for decades. Arnaldo de Reyes has a solution- a radical exposure therapy regimen that requires Sergio enter an underground fighting ring against people who’ve enhanced their bodies to get an edge up on their opponents.

But is he actually interested in helping Sergio, or is he just using Sergio for his own desires?

Webcomic Banner: Lies Within

Lies Within

Lysander lacks direction in his life… though he seems to be the only one who doesn’t mind. He’s content to live rent-free under his sister’s roof, get high, watch monster movies, and canoodle with Simon, the new neighbour who moved in a few months ago.

When Lys is attacked one night by a strange intruder in his kitchen, it’s soft, quiet Simon who comes to his aid. In the process, he exposes Lys to a deadly secret:

Monsters are real, and they’re tired of living humanity’s shadow.

Webcomic Banner: Ride or Die

Ride or Die

Ride or Die is an LGBTQ webcomic about two street racers who team up with a demon-possessed muscle car in the search for a missing woman, while being hunted by a deadly religious cult.

Webcomic Banner: Drugs & Wires

Drugs & Wires

Dan used to be a VR operator until his brain got fried by malware. Now he’s stuck delivering packages in a post-Soviet hellhole all while trying to adjust to his new life and find some answers.

More links coming soon!


Anyone is welcome to link to my comic! (And thank you!) If you do, feel free to use whichever banner suits your site, any chapter cover, or any comic panel that isn’t a spoiler.

Banner with the text Into the Smoke. The image shows Blaze summoning Alastor, a dark, smoky ghost, who holds the medium while inhaling his breath.
Banner with the text Into the Smoke. The image shows Blaze summoning Alastor, a dark, smoky ghost, who holds the medium while inhaling his breath.
Banner for the webcomic Into the Smoke. Subtitle: A medium, an evil ghost, and a murder mystery. A panel on the left shows a dark, smoky red ghost with glowing white eyes in black sockets. The right panel shows an androgynous man with shoulder-length red hair. He beckons with his finger and thinks, "Come and get it."
Banner with the text Into the Smoke. The image shows Blaze using a lighter to summon Alastor, a dark, smoky ghost, who holds the medium while inhaling his breath.
An androgynous young man with shoulder-length red hair and tattooed hands appears below a dark, smoky ghost, who caresses the man while inhaling his breath. Swirls and patterns surround them. A tagline at the top reads: A medium, an evil ghost, and a murder mystery. A logo at the bottom reads: Into the Smoke.
The cover of Into the Smoke chapter 1. Blaze, a spirit medium with shoulder-length red hair and tattooed hands uses a lighter to summon Alastor, a dark, smoky ghost, who holds the medium while inhaling his breath. Text reads: Into the Smoke. Chapter 1: The Medium.

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A banner image of Blaze holding a lighter. List: Extended uncensored episodes. Bonus art and comics. Meet the characters. Behind the scenes. Click to pledge on Patreon.
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