Chapter 2, Episode 5

Transcript: Chapter 2, Episode 5

Judd and Blaze sit side by side on a bus stop bench, the overhead light brightly shining down on them. Blaze is hunched, his grocery bag on the bench beside him. He says, “You don’t have to wait with me. I don’t want to keep you out too late.” Judd, sitting casually, looks at him and says, “I don’t mind.”

Blaze leans forward with his head down and his forearms braced on his knees. Glancing up at Judd with tired eyes, he says, “So, uh… How have you been? Any interesting exorcisms lately?”

Judd looks up with a wry smile and says, “Oh, they’re always interesting. I wish they were less interesting. We had a record number last month. Horrible.”

Judd narrows his eyes and says, “But enough about that. How are you doing?”

Blaze’s head is bowed, his long read hair concealing his face. He gives a tiny reply of, “fine.” Judd, looking concerned, asks, “Fine?”

Blaze’s narration reads, “Judd is the only person I know, living or dead, who asks how I’m doing and actually wants an answer. If only I could ever be cool in front of him. But he has a way of finding me whenever I’m on the verge of a breakdown.”

With his head still bowed and his hair covering his eyes, Blaze replies, “Tough day, you know? But I’m fine.”

Judd hesitates, then asks, “Still clean?”

Blaze turns his head, staring intensely at Judd through the sliver between strands of long hair. He says, “Six years. You don’t have to ask every time.” Judd replies, “Good. I’m glad.”

Judd asks, “Are you eating enough? Blaze replies, “When I remember.” Judd asks, “How about rent?” Blaze replies, “I… I’m a week late. But I’ll figure it out.” Judd says, “I can give you—“ and Blaze firmly interrupts, “No,” as he curls over his knees and clutches his head.

Judd says, “You can’t lose your home, Blaze.” Blaze splays his hands and replies, “I know!”

Introspectively, Blaze braces his chin against his interlaced fingers and says, “I just need to pawn something. But all my expensive stuff is haunted, and I won’t sell it till I can get the ghost to pass on.”

Judd stares silently down at Blaze with a slightly raised eyebrow and gentle smile.

Blaze looks up at him hotly, his eyes welling. He says, “I know, I’m a mess. Not everyone can be as perfect as you.”

He looks down, squeezing his eyes shut, and says, “But just… let me be a mess.”

With furrowed eyebrows, Judd says, “I was only offering to help you.” Blaze whips around, tears in his eyes, and yells, “Because you don’t respect me!”

Judd pulls back and stares silently at Blaze with a restrained, inscrutable expression.

Blaze raises his gloved hands over his face and cries, “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m just tired.”

Turned away with his eyes closed, he says, “Today was… a lot. I’m drained dry. And it never ends…”

Judd leans forward as bright headlights shine on his face from off-panel. Raising his eyebrows, he says, “Well… maybe you can take a break for lunch on Friday. I think it would be good for us to clear the air.”

He continues, “We need to talk about what happened at the Clybourn Hou—“ but Blaze cuts him off and cries, “Ah!” They look up from their seat at the bus stop to see at CTA bus approaching. The destination reads FAFO in glowing orange LED letters. Blaze says, “There’s my bus.”

A low view shows Blaze’s legs as he boards the bus, while Judd stands behind him. Judd says, “You have to have lunch anyway, right? This way you’ll remember to eat.” Blaze shakily replies, “Ah…”

After Blaze boards, Judd stands beside the bus, calling toward it, “Twelve o’clock at Grady’s?”

A response from inside the bus says, “okay.”

Judd watches with a vague smile after the bus departs, leaving exhaust fumes in its wake.

A logo appears: Into the Smoke.

An image shows nine ghost hands converging to pet Otto, a content fat black cat. Each hand has several names written on it. Text reads: Special Thanks to my Patrons. Pledge on Patreon at The words “Pledge on Patreon” are crossed out and replaced with the words, “Pet Otto.” An additional URL reads

Text reads: Patreon 500-member sale. 40% off bonus tier. Join my $5 tier for $3. Promo code: 99F34. Illustrations show Blaze and Alastor from Into the Smoke, sharing breath, Pogo yelling excitedly at Samsid from Demon of the Underground, and Merritt and Belmont from Devoted: Merritt’s Story about to kiss while holding weapons to each other’s throats.

Creator Comment

Just Blaze about to hop aboard his usual bus route…

This was one of my favorite episodes to draw. Blaze’s “about to break down” body language across this entire scene is very fun. Oh, and also Judd’s faces… These two have some stuff to work out.

We’re saying goodnight to Judd for now, but psst don’t forget, if you need another Judd fix, we’ve got a good Top Webcomics voting incentive image! Vote for ITS to see a shirtless Judd sketch!

Anyway, so much going on right now, so I’ll jump into it!

Patreon 500-Member Sale Update!

We had a ton of new patrons since the launch of the sale, and I just want to thank everyone who’s pledged!! This has been such a huge help and makes me feel super hopeful about the future of this project. I took a huge gamble devoting such a big chunk of my life to it without knowing whether anyone would even enjoy it. That anyone is willing to support it means so much to me. And I don’t want to talk about bills because we all have bills, but hey, I appreciate that you’re making my bills easier to handle!

By the next update, the sale will be over, so this is your last reminder here! Sale ends March 31!

Get $2 off your first month when you pledge to my BONUS TIER using code 99F34

Last chance to pet Otto before the next episode!

Next episode is episode 6, and that’s when the patron credits sheet will be updated! So if you’re a patron and you haven’t already added your name to the form, be sure to do that! If you don’t remember whether or not you added your name, you can just fill it out again and I’ll remove any duplicates. But I’ll also post a reminder on Patreon in a few days that’ll show whose names are pending.

Add your name to the Patreon credits (and pet Otto) here!

ITS is now part of the Tapas Creator Bonus Program!

Into the Smoke was just accepted into the Creator Bonus Program on Tapas, a platform for webcomics and webnovels. That means that when people read my comic for free on the platform, I make money!

Patreon is absolutely the best way to support Into the Smoke. But if that’s not an option, reading on Tapas is great! It’s also just a nice alternate place to read the comic if you find yourself forgetting to check the website and don’t want to sign up for email updates, or if you prefer to read webcomics in an app instead of a website. (That said, I love my main site readers and hope to still see you here!)

Tapas runs a few episodes behind the main site with shorter episodes, and the comic is slightly censored there to adhere to app restrictions.

Subscribe to Into the Smoke and read on Tapas here!

Firefox and Disqus Comments Issues

[EDIT] Looks like this issue has been resolved! But if you use Firefox and still can’t load Disqus comments, let me know!


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